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Dear kids in this online section we will study about nouns, which are often referred to as naming words . 

The words which tell us the names of people, places, animals and things are called nouns.

Examples of Nouns:

People – Rahul, Sheela, Man, Person, Tommy, Women, Girl, The Prime Minister

Places – Bangalore, India, Mexico, North Pole, South Africa, The Nile River, Classroom, Bedroom, Basketball Court, Cricket Ground, Swimming Pool

Animals/Birds/Aquatic Animals/Reptiles – Lion, Zebra, Snake, Ostrich, Flamingo, Bear, Cat, Fish, Shark

Ideas – Evolution, Invention, Extinction, Argument, Destruction

Objects/Things – Bat, Cycle, Curtains, Paper, Bag, Blackboard, Cupboard

Types of Nouns

Nouns can be categorized into different types, including:

1.Proper Nouns: These are nouns that name specific people, places, or things. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.


My name is John. (Name of a particular person)

This is my cat, Tigger. (Name of a specific pet animal owned by someone)

Paris is the capital of France. (Name of a specific place)

Nike is a popular brand of athletic shoes. (Name of a particular brand)

2.Common Nouns: These are nouns that refer to generic items, groups, or places. Unlike proper nouns, they are not used to identify specific people, places, or objects. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.


I need to buy a new phone. (Common object)

We went to the park yesterday. (Common place)

The committee will meet next week. (Common group)

Milk is a common ingredient in many recipes. (Common item)

By using these different types of nouns, we can communicate more effectively and precisely in our language.

Dear children, I hope you enjoyed this lesson and have understood the concept of nouns well. Now, let's have some fun with a quiz based on what you have learned. By answering these questions, you can test your own understanding.


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