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Best 15 Free Blog Sites : Pursue your passion for writing.

1) Wix - Website:

Wix is a popular website builder that also offers blogging capabilities. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of customizable templates. With Wix, you can create a visually appealing blog with features like drag-and-drop editing, SEO optimization, and mobile responsiveness.

2) Pixpa - Website:

Pixpa is a platform that caters to photographers, artists, and creatives. It allows you to create a portfolio website with integrated blogging functionality. Pixpa offers beautiful templates, e-commerce options, client galleries, and SEO tools, making it a great choice for professionals in the creative field.

3) Webador - Website:

Webador is a versatile website builder that enables you to create a blog or a complete website. It provides a user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and a variety of features such as social media integration, SEO tools, and e-commerce capabilities.

4) - Website: is a powerful and widely used content management system (CMS) for blogging and website creation. It offers extensive customization options, a vast library of plugins and themes, and complete control over your website. While requires hosting and some technical knowledge, it provides unparalleled flexibility.

5) Blogger - Website:

Blogger is a free blogging platform provided by Google. It is simple to set up and use, making it suitable for beginners. Blogger offers a range of templates and customization options, and it integrates seamlessly with other Google services. However, it may have fewer advanced features compared to other platforms.

6) LinkedIn - Website:

LinkedIn is primarily a professional networking platform, but it also allows you to publish articles and blog posts. It can be a great choice for professionals looking to share their expertise and connect with a business-oriented audience.

7) Medium - Website:

Medium is a popular online publishing platform that emphasizes quality content. It provides a clean and minimalist interface, making it easy to write and read blog posts. Medium also offers social networking features, allowing users to follow and engage with other writers.

8) Ghost - Website:

Ghost is a lightweight and open-source CMS specifically designed for blogging. It focuses on simplicity and speed, providing a distraction-free writing experience. Ghost offers customizable themes, powerful editor features, and integrations with popular tools and services.

9) Penzu - Website:

Penzu is an online journaling platform that can also be used for blogging. It offers a private and secure environment for writing personal thoughts or sharing them with a selected audience. Penzu provides various customization options and allows you to add photos and tags to your entries.

10) Tumblr - Website:

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that combines traditional blogging with social networking features. It is known for its community-driven nature and supports various media types, including text, photos, videos, and GIFs. Tumblr offers a range of customizable themes and allows users to interact through reblogs and comments.

11) Joomla - Website:

Joomla is a powerful open-source CMS that can be used for blogging and building websites. It offers a wide range of extensions and templates to enhance your blog's functionality and appearance. Joomla requires more technical expertise compared to some other platforms but provides advanced customization options.

12) Typepad - Website:

Typepad is a blogging platform that caters to both individuals and businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and various blogging features. Typepad also provides built-in social media integration and detailed analytics tohelp you track your blog's performance.

13) Squarespace - Website:

Squarespace is a popular website builder that offers elegant and professional templates suitable for blogging. It provides a drag-and-drop interface, robust blogging tools, and options for e-commerce integration. Squarespace also offers SEO features and analytics to help you optimize your blog's visibility and track its performance.

14) Jimdo - Website:

Jimdo is a website builder that allows you to create a blog or a complete website with ease. It offers a range of customizable templates, a user-friendly editor, and features such as SEO optimization and e-commerce integration. Jimdo provides a straightforward solution for creating and managing your blog.

15) - Website: is a hosted version of WordPress, offering a simplified approach to blogging. It provides a user-friendly interface, a selection of templates, and essential features for creating and managing a blog. While it may have fewer customization options compared to, it is a convenient option for beginners or those who prefer a more streamlined experience.

These blogging sites offer a diverse range of features and cater to different user preferences. Depending on your needs and technical expertise, you can choose the platform that best suits your blogging goals and create an engaging and visually appealing blog for 2023.

शिक्षक भास्कर जोशी 

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