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HOW TO BECOME A DATA ANALYST डेटा एनालिस्ट कैसे बने

Introduction to Data Analyst:

A data analyst is a professional who collects, analyzes, and interprets complex data sets to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that can help organizations make informed decisions. They work with large volumes of data from various sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and software tools, and use statistical and analytical techniques to extract meaningful information from the data.

Need for Data Analyst:

Data analysts play a crucial role in today's data-driven world. Organizations generate massive amounts of data, and without proper analysis, this data remains untapped potential. Data analysts help businesses make data-driven decisions, identify market trends, improve operational efficiency, optimize marketing strategies, and enhance customer experiences. They bridge the gap between raw data and valuable insights, enabling organizations to gain a competitive advantage.

Eligibility for Data Analyst:

To become a data analyst, you typically need to have a bachelor's degree in a field such as business, engineering, science, or statistics from a recognized university. A strong background in mathematics and statistics is essential. Additionally, prior study in subjects like mathematics, statistics, or computer science, along with a minimum of 50% marks in 12th grade, is necessary.

Selected Posts for Data Analyst:

Upon completing the necessary courses, you can pursue various job titles in the field of data analytics, such as data scientist, data architect, statistician, data engineer, artificial intelligence engineer, deep learning engineer, and more. This field requires working in areas such as data science, data visualization, probability and statistics, programming, and mathematics.

Data Analyst Salary Expectations:

The salary of a data analyst can vary significantly depending on experience, the course pursued, and the company offering employment. On average, professionals working in established organizations can earn an annual salary ranging from 7 to 10 lakhs rupees. It's important to note that data science incorporates various technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and deep learning.

Data Analyst Scope:

Currently, there is a significant demand for data analysts, with approximately 97,000 job openings in this field. Consequently, there is an expectation for the demand to further increase in the future, leading to a shortage of qualified candidates. Data analysts are needed in various industries, including e-commerce, manufacturing, banking and finance, healthcare services, and transportation.

Data Analyst Big Recruiters:

After completing the required courses and acquiring the necessary skills, you can apply for jobs in renowned companies such as Amazon, LinkedIn, IBM, Walmart, Sigma, Flipkart, MathWorks, Coach, Fractal Analytics, and many others. These organizations value the role of data analysts and offer employment opportunities in this field.

Courses (Online and Offline) to Become a Data Analyst:

There are various online and offline courses available that can help you become a data analyst. Here are a few popular options:

1. Data Science and Analytics: This comprehensive course covers various topics such as data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, and statistical modeling.

2. SQL and Database Management: Understanding databases and SQL (Structured Query Language) is essential for working with data. You can find online courses that teach SQL and database management.

3. Programming Languages: Learning programming languages like Python or R can be beneficial for data analysis. Many online platforms offer courses specifically tailored for data analysis using these languages.

4. Statistics and Probability: A strong foundation in statistics and probability theory is crucial for data analysis. Look for courses that cover these subjects in detail.

5. Data Visualization: Data analysts often need to present their findings visually. Courses on data visualization can help you learn techniques and tools for creating impactful visual representations of data.

Job Profile of a Data Analyst:

As a data analyst, your primary responsibilities will include collecting, cleaning, and organizing data, performing statistical analysis, creating report sand dashboards, identifying trends and patterns, conducting data modeling and forecasting, and communicating insights to stakeholders. You will work closely with teams across the organization to understand business objectives and provide data-driven recommendations. Problem-solving, critical thinking, and strong analytical skills are essential for success in this role.

Websites of Companies Providing Jobs for Data Analysts:

To find job opportunities as a data analyst, you can visit the websites of various companies that offer positions in this field. Some popular job portals and company websites where you can search for data analyst jobs include:

1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where you can find job postings from companies worldwide. Create a profile and search for data analyst positions using relevant keywords.

2. Indeed: Indeed is a popular job search engine that aggregates job listings from various sources. You can search for data analyst jobs based on location and other preferences.

3. Glassdoor: Glassdoor not only provides job listings but also offers insights into company reviews, salaries, and interview experiences shared by employees. Use their search function to find data analyst roles.

4. Naukri: Naukri is one of the leading job portals in India, offering a wide range of job listings in different sectors. Search for data analyst jobs on their platform and apply directly through their website.

5. Monster: Monster is another well-known job portal where you can find data analyst positions. Customize your search criteria to narrow down the results based on your preferences.


Becoming a data analyst requires a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics, and analytical skills. By pursuing relevant courses and obtaining a degree in a related field, you can equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in this role. The demand for data analysts is growing rapidly across industries, and companies are actively seeking qualified professionals to help them harness the power of data. By exploring online and offline courses, leveraging job portals, and researching companies, you can embark on a rewarding career as a data analyst.

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शिक्षक भास्कर जोशी 

(शिक्षा से सूचना तक )

ऐसी सूचनाएं प्राप्त करने के लिए मेरे whatsapp समूह में जुड़े

मेरे मैगजीन समूह से जुड़कर बच्चों के रचनात्मक कार्य साझा करें एवं उन्हें मैगजीन में प्रकाशित करवाएं ।

फॉलो करें , राष्ट्र निर्माण में सहयोग करें


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